Outlaws (1972)

SouthernrockSouthernrocksouthernrock.lap.hu/9-99hu16987212722007-02-04 18:59:572023-10-31 04:01:12Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2007


The Outlaws[1] are a southern rock band formed in Tampa, Florida in late 1967 by guitarist–vocalist Hughie Thomasson, drummer David Dix, bassist Phil Humberg, guitarists Hobie O'Brien and Frank Guidry, plus singer Herb Pino. Guidry brought the name Outlaws with him when he joined (he had been in another group that had that name). Previous to Guidry's arrival the band had been called The Rogues, then The Four Letter Words. By early 1968 O'Brien and Humberg both had left the band to get married and Frank O'Keefe came in on bass. In the spring of 1968 the group's first manager, Paul D., brought them to Epic Studios in New York City to record an album, which was never released after the band and the producer of the album had a falling-out. Guidry left at this point after differences with the manager.

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