Southern Rock Allstars (1975-) 18:59:572023-10-31 04:01:12Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2007


The Southern Rock Allstars are a band that got its name from the history/lineage of its former members, and all of the original members who gave it the allure and true meaning of a Southern rock supergroup have moved on or died. That said, its current lineup consists of former members of The Rossington Band, which was a 1-album act formed by Gary Rossington of Lynyrd Skynyrd and his wife, which is a footnote in the annals of Southern Rock, and the remainder were essentially one-time sidemen of greats Skynyrd, Marshall Tucker and hitmaker vocalist Jimmy Farrar. The current official website, believe it or not, gives no reference to the band consisting of roadies for some prominent Southern Rock acts, contrary to previous assertions on wikipedia. Opinions may differ on this revolving door staffed band but for going on 20 years, always deliver a fun set of southern standards from old dixie.

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